An animated library setting with cat-like Japanese teachers Kiki and Koko peeking between bookshelves and computer robot friend, QUIZBO™, happily smiling on the desk next to a book and notebook. The text to the side reads, Japanese Word of the Week in English and Japanese and in the corner.Series 3

🔊Japanese Word(s) of the Week w/ QUIZBO™ | 【秋麗】

8 minutes

HELLO! I AM QUIZBO™!You may know me as the computer robot friend of Kiki and Koko from the Japanese language and culture destination, Kiki+Koko: Let’s NihonGO!! Online. I am here to assist any and every level of Japanese language learner through vocabulary, quizzes, and my pronunciations. And with the help of Kiki and Koko, I provide readings of Japanese scripts, definitions, and more in order to help you on your Japanese language learning journey. Whether you are a beginner or have studied Japanese language for years, Word of the Week is the language resource for you!

Word of the Week prepares and dispenses uniquely chosen Japanese vocabulary to match your language learning needs. We are sure to provide you with everything that you need in order to properly encode this data into your databank. I, QUIZBO™, will be there for you to pronounce the vocabulary as many times as you wish without tiring. You will also be provided the definition, usage, romanisation, reading, and kanji details. This is not all! With the help of Kiki+Koko: Let’s NihonGO!! Online, you will be presented with uniquely useful Japanese example sentences utilising the word or phrase. Each is neatly labelled with its original script, phonetic Japanese script (ひらがな), romanisation, and English translation. Japanese language has a complex linguistic hierarchy which may be difficult to navigate, but in order to make it a bit easier, each sentence also contains a politeness scale. And, for students, there is also a difficulty scale.

Though reading and listening to the provided example sentences can assist in retaining the vocabulary, it is recommended that you attempt to create your own sentences, as well. The vocabulary presented today may not be an adjective, but is often used as an adjective. So newer students and those who fancy a revision/review may benefit from reading our adjectives series. It is recommended to begin with 形容詞の基本| Basics of Japanese Adjectives| |(intro) and for those who would like to know the basics of Japanese sentences in general, there are lessons in the  grammar corner of the Essentials where you can sort out the subjects, objects, and verbs of it all.

Now, we have reached the end of the introduction, and it is time to present the vocabulary.

Without further ado, let us NihonGO!!

Do not touch that dial! We have important example sentences with audio clips just for you, after these messages!


We hope you were interested in those messages. Now, onto the Example Sentences!


Stay Tuned for a Bonus Phrase, more example sentences, and two guest appearance after these messages!


And, we are back! Let us continue to the rest of the lesson, shall we?

Japanese teacher, Kiki, joins us with an autobiographical account of an autumn excursion.


Japanese teacher, Koko, uses poetic language to describe an autumnal scene.



That is all for today! Many bonus vocabulary words and previous vocabulary were presented, however you may still want to learn even more vocabulary. Maybe you would enjoy this: 🔊Japanese Word(s) of the Week w/ QUIZBO™ | 【秋雨】+BONUS:【梅雨】(+Helpful Hints with Kiki+Koko)

Or, maybe you would prefer to experience an even broader range of vocabulary. n which case, you can have a look at our fine selection of segments on the main Word of the Week page. Or, you can be sure you are caught up with the latest with the sidebar link: 今週の単語 | Word of the Week. These segments alone serve as weeks of material. Share these segments with your friends and family who may be interested in broadening their Japanese vocabulary, that is if you would like to spread the knowledge and show the fun things you are learning with us. Be sure to return often to keep your pronunciation properly in check, as well! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to assist how we can. We hope to see you at the next lesson!

Be sure to subscribe to our Electronic Mailing List of Tomorrow, today, using the form at the bottom of the web page so you can be the first to see the latest from Kiki+Koko: Let’s NihonGO!!, Indigo East, and SpeRaToBo. And, remember to return back to previous articles and lessons to review/revise.

And, if you would like to assist in keeping these lessons available to as many language learners as possible, please consider supporting us on Patreon at or leave a TIP in the TIP♡JAR to keep it going if you are in a position to do so. If you cannot support in this way, do not worry, as we are just super happy that you are here! Your participation itself helps to support the content and it is appreciated!

Thank you so much for learning with us!


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