あいうえお [aiueo]

5 Japanese Vowel-Only Words【い】 

Welcome to Kiki and Koko: Let’s NihonGO!! in blog form for your quick referencing convenience where Kiki and Koko take turns pressing the keyboard one letter at a time until a full blog post is created! 

If you’ve just gotten started learning how to write Japanese, you’ve hopefully started with the first five vowels. あいうえお. Or maybe you haven’t even learnt them yet! Learning an entirely new writing system may seem daunting. Or perhaps after learning just five characters you think, Five characters? I can’t write anything with just five characters! And, that’d be where you’re wrong my friend! We’re here to show you that even the most minute of efforts are not in vain!  

Today, we’ll start by guiding you through some characters that only use the first and only five vowels of Japanese! That’s only five characters! And you’ll already have such a broad vocabulary that as you continue to learn, you’ll feel like you’re actually making progress. It’s about learning smarter rather than making things too complicated.  

We’ve broken these up into five fun-sized pieces that feel like king-sized learning! You can use these to practise reading and writing as well as learning new vocabulary words along the way! Look at you, learning three things at once!  

As a precursor to each of these, there’s some words with many different homophones and many with many definitions, so we’ll just focus on the main definitions and more common readings—But, we’ll elaborate in another post when you’re up for it! Also, we’re going to stick to one, two, and maybe three character vowel only words. There’s a few that are moreso phrases than words.  

Let’s NihonGO!! 

#1. い【胃 

     kiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks い

Definition: Stomach (organ)

#2. いい良い

     kiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks いkiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks い

Definition: Good, nice

#3. いう言う

     kiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks いkiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks う

Definition: To say, to call

#4. いえ【家】

     kiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks いkiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks え

Definition: House, residence, family

#5. いいえ【否

     kiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks いkiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks いkiki and koko let's nihongo hiragana blocks え

Definition: No 
Inf. You’re welcome, Not at all, Don’t mention it

よくできました!Well done, you!  and celebrate! You can always keep the learning train on its track and take a look at the next one: 5 Japanese Vowel-Only Words OR you can have a look at the first one: 10 Japanese Vowel-Only Words【あ】¿Porque no las dos?

Protip: Search using word: and the term in hiragana afterwards if you want to have future reference to specific vocabulary words from this article. Make sure there’s a space between the colon and the first character~! Ex. word: いい

Can’t Read あいうえお, yet? Watch this video to learn how~!

All Video and Music Credits: Indigo East

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