Tag: shinzo abe

🔊Japanese Word(s) of the Week w/ QUIZBO™ | 【楽しい】+ BONUS:【つまらない】(+Helpful Hints with Kiki+Koko)

HELLO! I AM QUIZBO™!I warmly welcome you to Word of the Week Wednesday! However, if you are reading this on any other day of the week, you will still be able to enjoy it. […]

The Adjective Connection | 形容詞の基本| Basics of Japanese Adjectives| | Listing Adjectives | 形容詞の「テ形」 (Adjectives Te-Form)| Kiki+Koko: Let’s NihonGO!! Japanese Language Learning Essentials

皆様みんなさま、こんにちにゃあぁ!Welcome to Kiki+Koko: Let’s NihonGO!! Online. You come across a fork in the road with many paths, and only one of them leads where you’d like them to go. You phone your […]